WiT Mmber Physiotherapy

WiT Mmber Physiotherapy
Puppet Presentation

Saturday 29 October 2011

UFS201 5th Vocabulary Entry

1. A girl telling her housemate no to go 'clubbing' every night.

In one night while Sarah read the novel in the living room eating crackers. While enjoying the novel "Just The Edge" which is a favorite novel Sarah. His eyes keep looking at the wall clock that shows jam11.00pm. His heart was complaining because a friend roomate not back yet. Half an hour later, rang the gate strong.Sara was startled from fun to read novels. Sally opened the door of the house in a state of intoxication.
"Hey Lily! You from the conditions of this drunk?!," Shouted Sarah.
"You care about what is none of your business?!." Reply Sally.
"It is my business because I am so you turn to anything out there your problem is my business too!." Sara replied with exasperation at all.
"So what?." Reply Sally.
"Lily, you have no other job to go creeping middle of the night at the club is that? You do not bored with your life so that there is no purpose at all., Enlightened, my friend". Sara gently persuade and advise Sally.
"Hey Sarah, is my story? Whatever!." Sally replied as she went to the stairs with thehelter.
"I hope one day you must be aware of what you do now friends." Sara small hearts in prayer.

Friday 28 October 2011

UFS201 5th Vocabulary Entry

An Exposition is where everything is introduced. The characters, the setting, the time, the place, the problem, etc. 

The rising action is when things begin to escalate. It takes the reader from the exposition and leads them towards the climax. This part tends to be dramatic and suspenseful. 

The climax! When you finally take a breath after holding it in in suspense. This is the most emotional part of the book. For example, when Harry faces Voldemort in the end of any Harry Potter book 

Falling Action is when everything tends to slow down. The climax is over. Relating back to my Harry Potter example, this would be after Harry faced Voldemort, and he is in the hospital wing recovering. 

The resolution. The conclusion. The end. Whatever you want to call it. But this is the final part of the story when everything is wrapped up. Sometimes the story is finished off completely, answering every reader's question. Sometimes authors leave mysterious, to intrigue the reader. Or sometimes authors leave hints of a sequel. 

UFS201 1st Vocabulary Entry (IDIOMS)

Be your self :
Mean To act naturally
example:Don't be nervous just be yourself and the interview will be fine
Believe it or not :
Mean It may be surprising but it is true
Example: English  food is often quite good
Be a great believer in:
Mean To think that is good or right
Example: He is a great  believer in getting things done on time
Round the bend:
Mean crazy and mad
Example: His behaviour is driving me round the bend 
Your best bet:
Mean the most sensible  or appropriate thing for you to do  in a particular situation
Example: There's nowhere to park in the city centre. Your best bet is to go in by bus
Give birth:
Means to produce a baby
Example She gave  birth of her birth child at home
Out of bound:
Mean not be entered by somebody
Example: This area is out of bound to all stuff
In bulk:
Mean in large quantities 
Example: If you buy in bulk,it's 10% cheaper.
Get busy:
Mean to starting working
Example:W're going to be ready in time
To cap it all:
Mean as a final piece of bad luck 
Example: I had a row with my boss,my bike was stolen,and  now to cap it all i've lost my keys!

Thursday 27 October 2011

UFS201 4th Reflection Topic

I have had an experience of a purchase because of a shampoo ad. When I was walkingcity with Middle friends. There is a shop making shampoo ad campaign heard about the cheap price. Not only that the advertisement has attracted many customers there. Even me and my friend also, and with the ad. Shampoo is a lot of ads to influence so that customersare interested. My colleagues and I are not left behind to take over to listen and look at the benefits of the shampoo. Employees at the store that delivers on the uniqueness of such a cheap price, fragrant, and fresh. We are deceived about what is told by the employee.Once I buy shampoo within two weeks after I bought the shampoo, I found the shampoo is not effective and not as in advertising. Even worse than what was said. I am very sorry forbuying the advertised goods. and found the taste of the goods is not enough that I want because they pay more attention to attract customers to buy only. And I bought theshampoo is actually not a shampoo ad that I find actually. because it is to attract advertising alone.

UFS 2nd Vocabulaty Entry (ADJECTIVE)

  1. Cry means a shout or loud high noise
  2. Silent means making no noise and quiet
  3. Dream means experience picture and events in your mind when you sleep
  4. Shock means  the situation that causes this feeling
  5.  Slow means a slower speed
  6. New means made or discovered
  7. Old means that existed for a long time 
  8. Big means a large size
  9. Long means measuring a lot from  one to the
  10. Dance means to move around to the rhythm of music by making a series step
  11. Cheerful means felling happy  showing that you are happy
  12. Sadness means unhappy
  13. Magic means that secret power some people believe can make strange or impossible  things happen if you say special words or do special
  14. Scream means  a loud cry out loudly in a high voice
  15. Voice means the sound that you make speak or sing
  16. Speechless means   not able to speak
  17. Wonderful means extremely good
  18. Hold means  to take and keep
  19. Little means a small size
  20. Weak means not strong

UFS201 1st Reflection Topic

yes! each picture its own means. such as a scenic picture. It can bring meaning to our lives.For example, to tranquility, peace, and gratitude. Just like with a picture silatulrahim relations. It gives an interesting impact to serve as a remembrance of life for the future

UFS201 2nd Reflection Topic

Sara wondering why Odin said like that to her, Sara look at Odin and wait the next word from Odin but odin just keep silent.Sara look at Odin,and ask him"why did you said like that odin?"odin look trough at sara face and said "of course Sara, because this is my place and everything I can do here. I grew up in this far, we're not same, you are not longer to stay her because we are different,you have your own world and this is mine"Sara just keep silent, and feeling upset."why? i don't understand Odin?why I can't staying here with you?"and odin answer to her"because when your all of your problem already settled,you will never remember this place,you can't even remember me Sara.I told you, people will come here because they got a problem to settle and to forget all off the problem.this place like a magic,cant you see?, you will do everything you want here and all this thing will make you forget all of your problem."Sara looked at down and pushed around a pile of dust"so that mean i can't even meet you any more?"Sara almost like to crying,and odin answered "yes Sara."now Sara was feeling sad. Sara did not talk any more, and try to think about what Odin say to her right now, and Sara was wondering how can this thing going happen to her, Sara walk and say,"but Odin,Sara like to stay her with you, I can't go back in my world again, I love this place, I want to stay here with you and i want to do all the things that we always use to do everyday, i don't like to come back to my world any more." "Sara this world is not yours.you must come back from where you belong,your mother and father must need you the most.you must remember ,im just your dream,you can't live with a fake world. you must know that, and when you wake up,your world will change Sara." suddenly ,sara hear someone scream her name.."its look like my father voice!" "yes that my father."the voice become loud and she feel someone hold her hand.."sara,sara wake up,its almost 6 evening!,why did you sleep here?"..sara shocked and speechless..'oh my god,i thought it was real .its such a wonderful dream i ever have"..sara walk away to go back hoem..she can't even imagine that she will fall asleep under the tree and dreaming about the "magical forest"..sara just keep smiling and now she have to suffer for a real life,a real world,without odin also without the "magical forest"..it just a dream.

Monday 24 October 2011

ufs201 3rd Reflection Topic

"You Raise Me Up"
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary;
When troubles come and my heart burdened be;
Then, I am still and wait here in the silence,
Until you come and sit awhile with me.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on
stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up
so I can stand on mountains;
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas;
I am strong, when I am on your shoulders;
You raise me up... To more than I can be.

You raise me up... To more than I can be.

I chose the song "You Raise Me Up" as it related to human life. this song on that we do notadmit defeat and give up easily if we fall and fail in anything, especially in an area that weare indulging. not necessarily if we fail in our lives we fail to survive. But failing to teach andchallenge us to rise up and boldly face in what is a challenge in our lives. Therefore, if you fall and fail in a field do not continue to give courage to try again even though it is very tough and difficult. Because the challenge is very important in our lives.

UFS201 3rd Vocabulary Entry

1.      Tear
·         Tear down : To destroy
·         Tear up :  To pull
2.      Fall
·       Fall down : Suddenly  stop standing
·       Fall out : Stop being friendly  

3.      Break
·         Break up : End or finish
·         Break out :  Start suddenly
4.      Stand
·         Stand aside: Move  to one aside
·         Stand back :  Move back
5.      Keep
·         Keep on : To continue
·         Keep off : To stop

6.      Turn
·         Turn back : Return same way
·         Turn over : To change position

7.      Pull
·         Pull away : Start moving forward
·         Pull over : Slow down

8.      Walk
·         Walk out  : Leave suddenly
·         Walk up : Walk towards

9.      Back
·         Back down : Stop saying
·         Back up : To support
10.  Take
·       Take away : To remove
·       Take Over : To get control

Tuesday 9 August 2011

LIfe Without Limbs

In my opinion, if I do not have hands and feet, I will not give up and waste my life. I willbe trying to move forward to continue with my life. Although people around considershimself self-employment and no hope, that all Unexpected. The essential heart andPatience ourselves Should be Strengthened. However, it is hard to deal with thepeople around us if we are found to have such a shortage. And most importantly,family and friends there and always support behind us. Life must go where life is stillsheltering in the world.

Monday 8 August 2011

My Funniest Moment

very funny story of my life was when I was six years old. Here the story between me and my late grandfather. While he was still alive, many of my memories with him. I am very spoiled him up between all my grandchildren are very close and very spoiled. My late grandfather always took me to his house sleeping up there.when I miss with my mama middle of the night my grandfather brought me backto my house. I always play with my grandfather before. I always hold d tow. Shenever say "Want to go to Mecca? Fri we went to Mecca." And he Teru my tote.And I always ask how the Mecca 2. That's the story between me and my lategrandmother.



1)      Extroverted

2)      Assess

3)      Columnist

4)      Combatant

5)      Consequence

6)      Dissertation

7)      Distracted

8)      Embezzled

9)      Enforce

10)  Enrage

11)  Flattery

12)  Flattering

13)  Harrowing

14)  Hindrance

15)  Hindsight

16)  Homesick

17)  Hostage

18)  Humanitarian

19)  Hysterical

20)  Inaugurate

21)  Inducement

22)  Induction

23)  Inexplicable

24)  Inexcusable

25)  Inexhaustible

26)  Inefficient

27)  Inescapable

28)  Inferior

29)  Infuriate

30)  Laid back

31)  Lecture

32)  Lecturer

33)  Leftovers

34)  Lightweight

35)  Matron

36)  Meaningless

37)  Medicine

38)  Naked

39)  Physiotherapy

40)  Placard

41)  Qualification

42)  Space goal

43)  Supersede

44)  Superstition

45)  Talkative

46)  Thankless

47)  Sluggish

48)  Throughout

49)  Thrashing

50)  Vindicate

51)  Head hunter

52)  Handstand

53)  Honour

54)  Housebound

55)  Hug

56)  Humanitarian

57)  Irresopnsible

58)  Irrevent

59)  Irritate

60)  Islander

61)  Joinery

62)  Platonic Love

63)  Proactive

64)  Pursuer

65)  Publisher

66)  Reinforce

67)  Relieve

68)  Revolver

69)  Ridicule

70)  Roadworks

71)  Sighttseer

72)  Sneer

73)  Stiffly

74)  Suppostion

75)  Unbearble

76)  Uncompromprmising

77)  Uninhibited

78)  Umarried

79)  Unmoved

80)  Unscathed

81)  Unsettle

82)  Whellchair

83)  Withering

84)  Womanly

85)  Unease

86)  Youngish

87)  Belongings

88)  Blind date

89)  Blizzard

90)  Tornado

91)  Gourme

92)  Idioms

93)  Hughty

94)  Illegible

95)  Incomparable

96)  Inexperience

97)  Inexplicable

98)  Ingincere

99)  Intelligent

100)                      Luxurious

Ø  A  person who  is confident and full of life and  who prefer   being with  other people to being alone

Ø  To judge  or form  an opinion  about something

Ø  A journalist who writes regular articles in a newspaper or magazine

Ø  A person who takes part in fighting especially

Ø  Something that happens or follows as a result of else

Ø  A long piece of writing on something that you have study

Ø  Unable to give your full attention to something.

Ø  To  steal money that your are responsible for or that belongs to your employer

Ø  To make people obey or law or rule  or do something that they want to

Ø  To make someone very  angry

Ø  Making somebody look or sounds more attractive or important

Ø  Saying good things about somebody or something that you not really mean

Ø  Making people feel very sad or upset

Ø  A person or thing that makes it difficult for you to do something

Ø  The under standing  that you have of a situation only after this is happened

Ø  Sad because you are away from home and you miss it.

Ø  A person who is caught and kept prisoner.

Ø  Concerned  with trying  t make people’s lives better and reduce suffering

Ø  Very excited and unable to control your emotion.

Ø  To introduce a new official, leader .At  a special ceremony

Ø  Something that is offered to somebody to make them do something

Ø  The process of introducing somebody to a new job, skill, organization.

Ø   That cannot be explained

Ø  That cannot be allowed or forgiven

Ø  That cannot be finished or used up completely

Ø  Not working or producing result in the best way so that time or money is wasted

Ø  That cannot be avoided

Ø  Low or lower in social position, importance, quality.

Ø  To make somebody very angry

Ø  Calm and relaxed. Seeming not to worry about to anything

Ø  A talk that given to a group of people to teach them. About a particular subject, especially as a part or a university course

Ø  A person who gives talks to teach people about a subject

Ø  Food that has not been eaten when a meal has finished

Ø  A person who is in one of the lightest weight group in certain fighting sports

Ø  A women who works as a nurse in a school

Ø  Without meaning reason or sense

Ø  The science preventing and treating illness

Ø  Not wearing any cloths

Ø  To treatment of diseases or injury by exercise light, heat, massage(rubbing the muscles)

Ø  A large written or printed  notice that is put in the public

Ø  An exam that you have passed or a course of study that you have completed

Ø  A person who is punished for things that are not their fault

Ø  To  take the place of somebody or something which excited

Ø  A belief that cannot explained by reason or science

Ø  Liking to talk a lot

Ø  Involving hard work that other people do not

Ø  Moving or working more slowly than normal in a way that seem lazy

Ø  In every part of something

Ø  The act of hitting many toes with a stick  etc as a punishment

Ø  To prove that something is true that you were right to do

Ø  A person who job is to find people to work.

Ø  Movement in which you put your hand on the ground.

Ø  Respect for somebody or something

Ø  Unable to leave your house because you are old or ill

Ø  To put your arms around somebody especially to show  you love him/her

Ø  Concerned  with trying to make people’s lives better and reduce suffering

Ø  Not thinking about the effect your action will have

Ø  Not feeling or showing  respect

Ø  To make somebody angry

Ø  A person who lives on a island

Ø  To work  of a person who makes all the  wooden parts of the building

Ø  (used about a relationship) Friendly but not  sexual

Ø  Controlling a situation by making things happen rather than waiting for things to happen

Ø  A person who is following and trying to catch

Ø  A person or company that publishes book, magazine

Ø  To make something stronger

Ø  To make unpleasent feeling or situation stop or get better

Ø  A type of small gun with a container for bullets  that  turns round

Ø  Unkid laughter or behaviour that is instended to make somebody or something appear silly

Ø  Works that involves repairing or buildings roads

Ø  A person who visits the sights of acity

Ø  To show that you have  no respect for somebody or something by the experssion on your face or the way that your spaek

Ø  In an friendly formal way

Ø  An idea that a person thinks is true but which has not been shown to be true

Ø  Too unpleasent, painful

Ø  Refusing to discuss or change a decision

Ø  Behaving in a free and natural way, without warrying what other people think of you

Ø  Not married, and still single

Ø  Not affected emotionally

Ø  Not hurt, without injury

Ø  To make someody  feel upset or worried , especially because asituation has changed

Ø  A chair with large wheels that person who cannot walk can to move or be pushed about in

Ø  Done to make somebody feel silly or embarassed

Ø  Having qualities  considered  typical of a woman

Ø  A worried or uncofortable feeling

Ø  Quite young

Ø  The things that you can own that can be moved

Ø  An arranged meeting between two people who  have never met before to see if they like each other enough to begin romantic relationship

Ø  A very strong winds and lot of show

Ø  A violent storm with a very strong wind that blows in a circle

Ø  A person who enjoys food and knows a lot

Ø  An experssions whose meaning is different from the meaning of the individuals word in it

Ø  Proud, and thinking that you are better than other people

Ø  Diffuclt impossible to read

Ø  So good or great that it does not have an equal

Ø  Not knowing hoe to do something because you have not done it before

Ø  That cannot be explained

Ø  Saying or doing something that you not really believe

Ø  Having or showing  the ability to understand learn, and think clever

Ø  very  comfortable, full expensive and beautiful things